Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Winter week

 It's always interesting how this "down time" really isn't slow and easy.  I'd love nothing more than to curl up into my bed with a cozy blanket, but that isn't happening...  it's the final few days of the 13th moon cycle "Becomes Her Vision".  I am contemplating what to put on my vision board over the weekend...  

I used to make a vision board collage out of magazine cutouts.  In recent years I'm too aware of the trees being used for paper, so we don't have physical magazines.  Thus, this year I am adopting a virtual board.  It allows for aeclectic placement of very precisely curated images, and removes the issue of shifting cutouts around which are smeared in Elmer's glue.

Anyway, the picture below is the mid-week video on Instagram, under #moonstarlodge:

At noon today we have a video going up on YouTube.  In it, I'm showcasing some new decks and discussing their attributes.  Here is the link:

Have a blessed New Year weekend.  The new moon of "Talks With Relations" starts on January 2nd.  The energies of perihelion happen January 4th.  Buckle up!

Blessings, Kathryn

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