Thursday, September 30, 2021

Day for Truth and Reconciliation

 We spent a long day doing speaking engagements and discussing indigenous issues in the community.  Here is a short video on my final thoughts for the day:

Enjoy and blessings.


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Mid-week message & National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

 Hello friends - I've just posted a mid-week mini-reading over on Instagram, under the Moonstar Lodge page...

I'm using different cards:  The Centennial Rider-Waite-Smith, Pixie's Astounding Lenormand, a fairy deck featuring the art of Arthur Rackham and the Orbs deck, by Diana Cooper.  Curious combination, but it works...

Also, we'll be posting a video on YouTube in regards to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Thursday, Sept. 30th (formerly Orange Shirt Day).  Brian and I have been invited to speak to 2 organizations throughout the day.  It's important to recognize and assist with how reconciliation can manifest.

Have a wonderful week, and chat soon!

Blessings, Kathryn

Saturday, September 25, 2021

New video for September 26 to October 2, 2021

 I will make this short and sweet - there is a new video up on YouTube and I hope you enjoy it:

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Full Moon in Pisces and Autumn Equinox

 Hello friends...

Autumn begins to show itself, but no real foliage change here in Tiny as of yet.  I thinkg the gypsy moth scourge in June caused many of the trees to refoliate, so these are healthier and younger leaves.  It will come though, that we'll have a frost in the next couple of weeks, and things will change more rapidly.  

I've been posting weekly videos every Sunday, rather than just new and full moons.  This was requested through comments, and gives me a more reliable schedule for posting.  Thus, this week's offering is a trifecta of info - the weekly info, full moon in Pisces, AND equinox.  Mercifully it's one of the nicest readings I've ever pulled.  

So, enjoy this seasonal change, and be at peace!

Blessings, Kathryn

Saturday, September 11, 2021

New video and The Bay Studio Tour

 Heya lovely ones...  there is a new video up on YouTube:

We're are really pumped for the Bay Studio Tour this year.  Our guest artist Monica Ironside returns, and we've got more area for her paintings.  Our space has really changed too.  The big thing this year is the tarot/oracle/photo/card holders we're collaborating on.  Brian and I have rarely collaborated because our media are so different - not this year!  The card holders are quite dynamic.

So that's a wrap for this week - have a blessed one!


Saturday, September 04, 2021

New video!

 Heya friends...  it was time to make a video for the new week, which includes a new moon of "Weaves the Web".  Here's the YouTube video link...  enjoy!