Tuesday, November 02, 2021

New Tarot Deck!

This week, for the new moon on the 4th, I felt the need to do something different in addition to my weekly video.  The answer came in the mail - a special new tarot by Chris-Ann entitled "The Tarot of Curious Creatures".

It is a whimsical set of 78 traditional RWS cards, plus an additional "Fool" card for one to choose from...  Animal heads are artfully positioned on human bodies.  Humorous and clever, I find this a refreshing deck.  I will have no problem using this for client readings.

In the video I show the card styles from 4 of Chris-Ann's decks:  The Muse Tarot, The Light Seer's Tarot, and The Sacred Creator's Oracle, in contrast to the curious creatures.  If you cut and paste the following link into your browser, it will take you there: https://youtu.be/LvrT1NKMPks

Do enjoy!  Blessings, Kathryn

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