And some additionoal information:
These are the added cards for the reading we uploaded on
March 11/21. I mentioned in the YouTube
video that given the time constraints and the unusual amount cards, I would add
these to Blogger. So, in addition to the
cards pulled, we have these astrology cards from “The Arcana of Astrology” by
Claire Goodchild:
The first card pulled was Gemini. It represents our ability to adapt to new situations and this is going to be a great strength in this 4th moon cycle. A wave of change is coming and at times we all may feel lost but remember who we are partnering with. Sometimes just staying afloat is the goal – life isn’t always just about getting from point A to point B. We will need to rely on our networking wheels and Gemini is a nudge in that direction. I know it’s been hard during a pandemic to maintain connections with people, but connections are there, and there is our relationship to the Divine.
The second card is Leo, meaning it’s time to take pride in your accomplishments. You are in the spotlight and you earned it, so be proud of that… While you should be careful not to let success go too much to your head, a little bit of ego signals to others that you know you’re worth. You should not be playing the supporting actor in the movie of your own life - you are the star, if you trip keep your head held high.
The final astrological card relates to Ceres. This is the archetypal mother, and her symbols are grains, nature, seasons, motherhood, and the full moon. In a reading things are abundant in our lives right now and the potential for reaching our goals is at its peak; we just need to stay focused on the things that matter most. Don’t let minor distractions get in the way of that or influence decisions. We know what’s best for ourselves. Even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else.
If you are going through a low emotional period, do your best to appreciate the beauty in the everyday. Eat nourishing foods and make beautiful art. Go for walks and reconnect with nature. Spend time with loved ones doing things that matter. Material items and overindulgence will not serve us right now, so avoid emotional binges.
The trio of cards below relates to messages from the crystal kingdom and are from the book the “Tarot for the Millennium” by Melody. So this is card 22 which is an addition to normal major arcana in tarot. The millennium card represents one’s personal actualization. “You can have and you can be, and you can do whatever is wanted, and whenever you want, as long as there is no infringement upon the will or the space of another”.
As the card of the millennium, when all will realize that the only limitation acceptable to one’s path is the limitation of non-limitation. This card is representative of the ”magical” self-actualizing energy of self-realization which one can apply to the situation.
It shows the potential for the person to release all self-limiting beliefs and to continue the walk through the dateless gate while actualizing all one’s desires. This is a card of both tolerance and accepted and one through which one makes the decision to create time for living.
The second card or middle card is the King of Crystal Wands. He exhibits principled qualities of activity/ability/movement. His generosity, intensity/powerfulness, impetuosity, dignity, self-esteem/self-respect, spontaneity, energetic and unpredictable action ignite if confronted by the unknown. The King of Wands represents the surprising (and possibly astonishing), unstable (and possibly problematic), unique (and possibly unprecedented) character of the events or conditions of this moon cycle. Continuity in a more favourable light is assured. It’s recommended that we remain sceptical and calm and act with deliberation. Keep in composure, perseverance and determination; we need to know when it is the right time for action, thoughtfully discerned, and no rash movement forward.
The last card is the Queen of Crystal Lasers who is a principled person with acute insight and understanding. She represents the necessity of forethought with sensible preplanning. She teaches us to use caution and attentiveness. We are to accept assistance from those whom we may think to be incompatible or possibly inappropriate; intense love and affection can truly arise from the most unanticipated and unforeseen areas of one’s life. She is also (like the first card) concerned that we only commence something if we are prepared and not impulsive nor wilful.
This final grouping of four cards are the ones pulled from
“The Star That Never Walks around” by Stella Bennett. The message of the Queen of Butterflies is to
be aware of our intuitive understanding of justice. She advises us to be perceptive, quickwitted,
she represents one in our life or ourselves, who has both of these attributes
and may also have a complex personality.
This person may be a good counsellor with great spiritual depth.
The second card - the ace of frogs - represents new beginnings. Frog medicine is the ability to call upon the power of mighty Thunderbird to bring forth the waters from heaven, thus replenishing the earth. Frog reminds us that we all come from water. The adolescent stage of the frog is the tadpole, or poliwog. This is a reminder of our own fetal stage in the womb, when our very life depends on the amniotic waters for survival. Frog represents the cleansing and purifying properties of water. Frog’s messages: We are being provided the opportunity to both give and receive love, so don’t lose this gift. This time is about new beginnings, possibly new love, better health and happiness. It’s a potential for many of us to change residence or begin remodelling our current residences. Frog is a creature of detail and reminds us to check the small stuff. It’s also reminding us to start those creative endeavours. Have faith.
The bottom two cards are #4 cards- four of Thunderbirds and the four of butterflies. Butterflies represent still being in a time of rest and remaining still to find guidance, and that’s the special guidance from the divine creator. It’s a signal that relief is here. We won’t be battling our issues and the pandemic for much longer. It’s like having a time of convalescence after (and with) this confinement we’ve been enduring. It’s also about coming through to the end of a karmic lesson. These wolves are reminding us that we have to just rest.
The last card (bottom left) is the four Thunderbird is letting us know that there will soon be a time for dance and celebration. Thunderbird is also letting us know that by summer we will be harvesting much more than the foods growing on turtle mother Earth. We mustn’t neglect giving thanks to the Creator for the food that will come from this earth. The author says this card is one of the most favourable ones in her entire deck. It heralds a time of harmony, peace, and joy. It’s about happy home, reunion, fulfilment, even weddings are foretold for those in relationship.
So to conclude this, I don’t always add all these extra cards to readings, but it seemed essential today. This new moon is so close to equinox. As I mentioned in the video, we are coming out of this pandemic. We just have to stay the course of a little longer.
Have a wonderful week!
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