Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Full Moon in Cancer of "Loves All Things"

Well the intensity of eclipse season (and all those perigee full moons) is behind us...  Mercury retrograde ends today.  We've just had summer solstice.  It signals a lot of change...

We've also had a lot of change/adjustment here at the lodge.  After 18 months of no classes, no healing clients, no shamanic practice, no weddings, no public paranormal investigations - things have had to shift or cease altogether.  Brian is in his mid-70s and I am in my mid-60's and dealing with a genetic autoimmune disorder needing intense treatment for the rest of my life.  So, instead of retiring, we're now a virtual presence with our webpage being ramped up and changed to allow for at least some interaction with people.  I'm also posting (nearly) daily readings on Instagram - these are well received by folks all over the world.  It makes me happy to connect like this!

Anyway, I am posting the video link - enjoy:


Wednesday, June 09, 2021

New Moon of "Loves All Things"

 It's that time!  This is an annular total solar eclipse for the new moon of "Loves All Things"...  it's the halfway moon cycle in our medicine wheel year.  The escalation of energies is profound.  Enjoy the video and leave a comment if you wish...  or ask a question.

Blessings, Kathryn
